TB s1e6: Cold Ground

Episode opens with dramatic music and dramatic shots of blood and death, Adelle lying on the floor in her own kitchen in a puddle of her own blood. Sookie is in shock, and hyperventilating. Perversely, the grey cat is drinking the blood off the floor. Sookie falls to the ground, a floorboard creaks and someone grabs her shoulders.
It's Bill. After a few seconds she recognizes him, and he clutches her closely and protectively. Funny, that. A dead man protecting a living girl from seeing her grandmothers death.
More creaking floorboards, Bill's fangs pop out (something i find strange about the vampries in this show, btw), and he grabs the intruder by the neck.
It's sam. At Sookie's pleading, Bill releases Sam. Sam sees the blood. Is shocked and probably worried, says "What happened?" in a voice that squeaks.
Sam's such a nice guy. I don't know what Sookie doesn't see in him. Right now Sookie's pretty shook up about her grandma's death. We see this because she gets distracted and hears a muddled amount of thoughts from the cops in the kitchen.

I still think Sookie makes a lot of really bad decisions. Staying alone in her house after someone had broken in (through her bedroom window?) and killed her grandmother? Doesn't sound save at all.

Everyone comes to Sookie's house the next morning to give her food, and snoop around. That just seems like a really lame hick thing to do. Sookie's still numb.
Lafayette (Tara's gay cousin) seems to think Valium will help her right up.
Jason finally heard. Surprisingly he comes upstairs and hits Sookie blaming her for Adelles death. Tara is a wonderful friend.

Lafayette thinks all the baking that people bad for her has "bad juju".
Bill has another on of those dreams. Wakes up, but it's still daylight and thinks sookie's dead. Rushes to her house as soon as it's sundown and shakes her. She's fine. of course

Bill and the Collie watch over Sookie all night.

The funeral. Jaason looks extremely twitchy and nervous, which seems weird to me. Some dude shows up who is apparently disowned from the family. Sookie's supposed to say a few words, can't help but hear everyone calling her a whore and blaming her for the death. Freaks out and runs away.
Somethings really wrong with Jason, and i wish i knew what it was..

Apparently Tara's mother believes she's possessed by a demon.
Oh, looks like i'm about to find out what's wrong with jason. Obviously he's addicted to V. He does one of those classic addict moves where he throws his V outisde, that realizes he needs it, and crawls around in the dirt looking for it. Cliche.

Weird scene where anna is eating her gran's pie and crying. I mean Sookie. I'd be crying if i ate something that looked that much like poo, too.

This Tara/Sam relationship thing is so werid. They're both in love with Sookie, in a way. And yet they keep getting brought back together. By their loneliness. And so they have an affair.
The pie is gone.
Sookie takes her hair down.
Weird sequence of events.
Sookie gets undressed, and then dresses herself up in a white flowy dress. This looks like a plan to look extra virginish. Yep. Now she's running to bill in bare feet.
They meet on the lawn like lovers.
Cut to a scene with Tara and Sam finishing sex.
Tara storms out, and then we see Jason and Nameless woman sexing it up. Except Jason looks like he's in pain/super depressed.

Now it's Sookie and Bills turn.
Obviously Bills teeth pop out when he's turned out.

Tara makes up with her mom, without using words.

Intense bite scene.
End Episode.

TB s1e5: Sparks fly out.

I'm beginning to wonder of Sam actually IS the collie that's been following sookie around. It was hiding in the bushes when Sookie and Bill got back from their date. But I know Sam is rolling around in Dawn's sheets right now.

You'd have thought Jason would have learned the first time. He's gonna become an addict.

Interesting things going on. I'm attempting to not play by play. But then i get to distracted to actually type anything. xD

Jason is so high on V right now.

There's a meeting going on. It's actually quite interesting. Not much to recap. This really has to be watched in order to enjoy it fully, i think. But it is quite enjoyable.

Vampires cry blood. But aren't susceptible to crosses or garlic, and don't vanish in photographs.

I still think Sam is adorable. And awkward.

There is this fantastic deep string instrument that plays in intense moments on this show. I love it.

Yeah, so, Uh-oh. Adel AKA grandma is the next victim. End Episode.
That was an interesting twist.

Yeah i must definitely say this for the show: It keeps you coming back for more. Or me at least. Every episode has been ending in a sort of cliff-hanger-esque way. But at the same time it's a bit better than Lost(which i absolutely love), in the sense that rather than just giving you more and more questions, it gives a few answers here and there. Or something. But still keeps you wondering.
Actually, i lied. It's not actually better than lost. Maybe just a bit more... or perhaps less
But anyway. Obviously i just critiqued 3 episodes in one day. If it's keeping me coming back for more this much, it can't be too bad.
There are things that seem weird, and things that are just wrong, but it's at least interesting enough to keep my interest for 3 consecutive hours. That's got to count for something. :3

PS: This episode holds the story of how Bill Compton became a vampire.

TB s1e4: Escape from Dragon House

So, I apologize for my spoiler-play-by-play scenes. I really need to get used to not recapping.

Episode 4 opens with sookie screaming. She composes herself and pulls a sheet up over dawns body. Glass shatters. It's Jason. Dawn's nosy neighbor comes in. Accuses Jason.

Nosy neighbors all gather outside the crime scene to see what's up. That seems so very hill-billy. Someone's mother is far to interested in this.

Okay. So Jason's being arrested for the murder. Or detained. Or something. He realizes he still has the V juice in his pocket. So... He drinks it. That doesn't sound like a good idea, to me. Especially since Tara's cousin warned him not to take any more than 2 drops, or things could get bad.

Apparently his pen0r is growing like crazy, as he's being interrogated. Awkward?
Lol. Tara shows up to be his whatchamacallit.... Excuse. Whatever the word... Alibi! Yeah. She's pretty convincing.

Gran convinces Sookie to use her "gift" to clear Jason.

Irony. Tara defends Jason to Sam. Cut to scene with Jason jacking off to porn. Apparently his vampire hard on isn't working so well for him.

Sookie sets up a "date" with Bill to go the vampire bar. Except she insists that it's not a date.
Sookie seems like the kind of girl who is just waiting to walk into a trap. She's in love with Bill because she doesn't know what she's thinking. She does precisely what everybody tells her not to. She goes places she knows she shouldn't.

Eric, the oldest vampire in the bar, the second most oldest vampire i'm aware of, is kinda sexy.
By the way, older vampires equal more powerful.

Interesting development, Sam looks like he's about to do something terrible.

Vampires speak Cambodian?

"I apologize if i've got you into some kind of trouble."
"We vampires are always into some kind of trouble. I prefer to be in it with you."

Ooh, Bill glamors a cop. It's nicely done.

Okay, so maybe what sam is going to do isn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to strangle the redhead to whorks at the bar. Instead he just broke into dawns house, and rolled around in her sheets. Distinctly dog-like.
End Episode.

True Blood s1ep3: Mine

So, i actually already watched the third episode, but i didn't recap it, because I was watching it with my BF as a time-sink rather than alone with the plan of dissecting it it, and critiquing it. But... Yeah. Maybe i'll watch it in fast mode right now and see if i can put down some of the thoughts i had while i was watching it. Then i'll get to the next episode.

Episode 3:
So, I was wrong last time, about Bil showing up precisely at the right moment to save our little Sookie. Instead the gang of vamps confronts Sookie, she tells them she can't be glamoured then bill tells them to let her in. She comes in, which seems like a dumb move. But whatever. Bill's chilling in the shadows, in the corner of the room, and there are a couple of really stoned looking people lounging on sofa's. At first i thought these were vamps, but turns out their the vampires playthings.
Blah blah blah, these vampires are taunting sookie. Bill is breathing all heavy in the corner. Obviously turned on by it. Which is just a little creepy, if you ask me. He's supposed to be all charming and kind. Or something.
Anyway, just as this black vampire chick is about to take a chomp out of sookie, bill stands up and says "Stop!..." Then in a very growly and dog-marking-it's-territory way, "Sookie is mine"
Cue Theme and Intro.
Vampires are all cool with Bill having "ownership" of sookie. so they all have fun with their human playthings. Blah blah.
Apparently "Hep D" weakens Vampires. Sookie Read's human's mind and saves Bill from getting infected.
Vampires are being Evicted?
Bill seems like he's intensely in love with Sookie. He keeps looking into her eyes in a really intense way.
He tells her that her visit was unexpected. Though i distinctly remember her telling him he'd come by that night with info about an electrician. Obviously the writers aren't paying attention to what happened in the last episode. Or maybe bill's just got a short term memory. (that would be a cruel affliction for a vampire, considering they live forever.... or maybe it would be a kindness...).
So, I'm really not that up to date on my vampire lore (but i do know that they DON'T SPARKLE), so i'm not sure if the writers are completely all of this stuff up (i'm pretty sure a good deal of it is made up, but i'm not sure about all of it). But apparently, Vampires become more "evil" when they live together, while vampires like Bill who live alone are more likely to "hang on to some semblance of humanity" or something.
Tara and Sam talk about Sookie.
That girl who was with Jason comes home, expecting to find jason, instead finds someone dressed in black and masked. She freaks out and then it's Jason after all.
Best line in this episode so far
"Goddamn it bill, how many times do i have to tell you, do NOT do that!"
"I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional. I just got here." (about him just appearing out of nowhere on her)

Sookie tries to break up with Bill. Bill tells her she can't because she "will never find a human man she can be herself with". Seems like a very bad relationship, to me. Abusive, perhaps.

More Tara and Sam opening up with each other. At Sam's place. Drinking. Recipe for disaster.
Tara turns on the charm, they plan on having sex because they're both lonely.

Cut to more sex. Jason and Whatshername. Fighting because he gets limp when he thinks about her being with a vamp. That seems stupid. I'm not sure why there's so much sex going on. It's lame.

There are also too many dream sequences. I thought it was common knowledge that having an intense scene about something, then having it turn out to be "just a dream" was one of the worst things a writer could do. And doing it twice in 3 episodes doesn't seem like it's helping.

Bill confronts the other vampires.
Bill walks very stiffly. And looks like a zombie when he movies.
Sam is cute. And acts like a dog in his sleep.

Tara's mother is a manipulative alcoholic. Another confrontation.

Weird conversation between Sookie and her grandmom. I've no idea why her grandmother is so cool with vampires. She's actually encouraging her to get together with Bill. Say what? As far as i know, grandmothers are more conservative than their grandchildren, so she should be concerned for Sookie. There's obviously something going on behind this.

Tara's Cousin is a drug-dealer-prostitute.

Sam calls a collie "My brother". Hint number 1249343.

Sookie and her Grandmom have a conversation about her grandad who also "knew things". Grandma tells her there's a purpose for everything.

Tara's cousin deals in "V". Jason dances on camera for it.

Sookie goes to Bills in the middle of the day so she can pretend she's with him, laying on his front steps and pleasuring herself.

All these scene cuts are really annoying to me.

Sam calls sookie, Dawns late for work. She's the one jaosn was with. Sooke goes to her place, alarm clock is beeping. Dawn in laying on her bed staring blankly at nothing. Dead? Sookie screams. End Episode.

The First Taste

Episode 2 starts where episode 1 left off. Sookie is lying on the grounds getting the snot(and blood) kicked out of her by Mack and his wife, Denise.
Oh look, here comes the same dog that ran up to her and licked her face in the first episode. If we haven't gotten the point yet, we all realize by now that there's more to this dog than first meets the eye.
And then, just as Mack pulls out a gun to shoot the dog, and Sookie reaches for Macks foot to try and stop him from killing the doggie, something wooshes from out of nowhere and BOOM Mack is choking on his own blood against a tree. Denise freaks out, all savage like, then she's flying through the air and trees, landing on the ground unmoving.
Sookie blacks out, the screen flikers, and we see a grey clad foot step up next to her.


I'm going to attempt not to play by play this episode. I'll try to just talk about the stuff that i find interesting or disturbing, or whatever.
And, GO.
The intro scene still weirds me out.

Oh weird, turns out Jason didn't mean to kill wanda or whatever her name was, during the creepy S&M sex.
And WOAH! he didn't actually kill her. but "Somebody sure as hell did"

Okay, so obviously this episode is called "First taste" because this is the first time that Sookie tastes vampire blood. Which, by the way, gives people this weird...high. It's like drugs, or something. And as far as i believe people can get very addicted to it. This seems dangerous to me. But Sookie was dying because she'd been beaten so hard, so i guess the only way to live was to drink Bill's blood.
Oh, and Bill licks the blood of Sookie's wounds. That's gross and weird. That's like feeding a dog blood. And everyone knows what happens when a tamed animal gets a taste for blood... Right?
It's kind of like sharks. Feeding frenzy. I'm worried for Sookie, now.

Okay, so i just had a really crazy thought. What if billy rae cyrus were a vampire? Now that's an interesting thought. (brought on by these crazy down-home/southern/hill-billy vampires in this show).

There are a lot of really lame attempts to hint that Sam is the collie/dog that follows Sookie around. Maybe the reason I figured it out so quick is that when I tried to find a little information about who was who on the show, Wikipedia told me that sam was a shapeshifter... But I still think it's pretty obvious.

There are some things about this show that are kinda bothersome. Like how Sookie seems to have fallen completely in love with Bill with out any reason to do so. I mean, sure, she likes not being able to hear his thoughts... But is that really reason enough to trust someone so completely? That's like... i dunno. Stupid, or something.

End scene has the creepy S&M vamp from the video in the first episode.
But if the next episode is anything like this one, Bill's gonna show up at the right moment and be all protecty and stuff. Yeahman.

STRANGE LOVE: "If you ever pretend to be one of us..."

Okay, so I've decided to watch True Blood, that HBO tv show about vampires.
You can find it on IMDB here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0844441/
And on Wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_Blood

I've just started the First episode of the First season.
I'm 4 minutes in, just up to the opening credits, and so far this is my reaction. "... o.O ... Wtf?"
I mean, I'm thinking to my self "What is this??"
Up to now the acting hasn't been that overly great, but we'll see how that goes later in the show.

Scene opens with horny teenagers. Drunk horny teenagers. Driving down... a highway? In the Middle of nowhere? Oh, and it's all rainy looking outside. The roads are wet and stuff. That seems like an accident waiting to happen. [Edit: these Teens weren't shown at all in the rest of this episode. What is their point, then?]
And then we've got a tv show-interview with a very posh looking vampire. Scan the guy who's watching the show, from his heavy boot clad feet to his blood shot eyes. Makes you think "Oh, this dude's a vampire!" which is exactly what the producers of the show want you to think. Which is precisely what isn't true. Cut to the hillbilly looking for a drink in the cooler. Cut back to Criss Angel on a bad day.
Drunk teenagers come in acting so stupid that it's obvious they're drunk or high, or just really lame actors. Blah blah blah, lets make fun of vampires. Girls accent is stupid.
Dramatic music is dramatic.
Oh, the hill billy speaks!
The teeth. Are so dumb. It looks like they're the lateral incisor, rather than the canine tooth. Which is dumb.
The theme song? Also dumb. Country music sounding.
With a lot of really strange images set to it. Almost reminds me of CSI, with the jumping from image to image, thing. Except it's like an orgy in my eyes.

Anna paquin. Can read thoughts. That's cool. Makes her seem extra X-men-esque, though. I think it's bad for me to immediately think "X-men:Rogue" when I see her on screen.

Intro black chick. She got attitude. Seems like a likeable character. Tara.

This show seems to have quite a few stereotypes, though. Fat white elitist woman. Bitchy and sexist unhappy couple.

Cool, they have a gay black man for a cook.

Okay, cut to nude oral sex in a couch while watching that show where they set ppl up on blind dates. And then an intense discussion about sex and vampires.
"It's not like it's gonna kill me. And if it Does? Well then, I won't care, will I?" This seems like foreshadowing.

The boss of Sookie(Anna Paquin)'s bar seems like a bit of a douche, though i think he's supposed to be endearing.

A vampire walks into the bar... this seems like the beginning of a bad joke.
Sookie goes all gag for him. He's attractive in a sunken faced, moody eyed sort of way.

Cut to nude couple watching female have sex with a savage looking vampire. Female turns and does things to male, while he notices that the woman has a chain and hook on her ceiling. Creepy S&M, a little?

Cut back to Sookie fawning over vampire. But wait! Creepy couple moves in and plans on draining his blood. For what? I didn't quite catch it. They somehow steal him away. Sookie follows their thoughts and finds a chain to do something with. Who knows?

Cut back to S&M type scene. All this cutting is starting to make me dizy. Man has woman tied to the ceiling while i performs anal sex on her. Tells her how dirty she is and how much she disgusts him. And wraps his hands around her neck. Oh no, she's going to die. Note the lack of enthusiasm in my voice.

Cut. Insane couple who stole the vampire for his blood are talking about how they should have taken him home instead of dragged him out into the woods to drain his blood. Vampire is still concious. Sookie to the rescue. With that chain that i'm sure would be far too heavy for her to carry like that.

What kind of a name is "Sookie" anyway? It must be short for something. But i can't think of what it would be.
Oh and then she throws it (the chain) aournd dudes neck. How? Apparently his wife/person don't care none. Woman confronts sookie, while man(Mac) chokes and gasps on the ground.

Okay, so that's cool. The vampire is held down by a silver chain. Interesting.
Random dog shows up. He kisses Sookie. It's obvious that it's Sam, the bartender. Except Sookie doesn't realize it.

Okay, the Sookie character is starting to get annoying. the southern accent and saying things like "Oh my stars!" (which sounds more like "Oh Mah Stahrrs") just seems really lame. Not good for the main character to be lame.

When sookie saved the vampire, he got all morose. And didn't want to be touched. Sookie realized she can't read the vampires thoughts. And gets all surprised (we, the watchers, realized this the moment the vampire walked into the bar, about 10 minutes ago in the show, but Apparently the Sookie Character is slow.) and she grabs him and stares at him all close. She doesn't respect his personal space, so then he goes all "You should be afraid of being alone with a vampire in the dark i could turn on you, you know" and she pretends it doesn't bother her, and pulls the silver chain out of her pocket as she backs away a couple steps. Wraps it around her neck to protect herself, but the vampire says oral sex is delicious. Which of course Sookie gets offended about.

The Vampire moves all quick. The effect is lame. And jumpy. It should be smoother, but it's not.
Vampire's name is Bill. Sookie laughs. And gets all up in his face about it.
Bill is all broody. Doesn't want anyone to know that his (and all vampires) weakness is silver.

Tara wants a job bartending, sam doesn't think so because she'll drive his customers away. Love this line: "I only go off on stupid people. " "Most of my customers are stupid people."

It looks like Sookies brother is the Horny Teenager from the beginning. Or maybe the guy who killed the woman he was sexing? Yep the guy who was sexing the vampire lover, and maybe possibly killed her. Not sure exactly what happened there. Jason, is his name. Chases after the slutty waitress.
Apparently Sookie can't hear her grandmothers thoughts. Or her grandmother isn't a deep character and so doens't have thoughts.

Oh look sookie has a stalker. Middle of the night, a vampire standing below her window. and so she runs outside in her short shorts and night robe? She says "I didn't think i'd be having sex with you so fast" and he says "Who says anything about sex? and licks his lips/runs his tongue between his fangs.
Suddenly i'm confused. And Sookie wakes up.

Jason, the sex guy is concerned about Sookie's well being if she's caught up with vampires. Sookie is tanning on the front lawn. Turns out Jason actually did strangle that woman. Maudette. Jason, the guilty one, blames it on a Vampire.
Sookie can't read Jasons mind either, apparently.
Jason seems really weird. Sookie tries to read his mind (has to touch his neck?) and he freaks out and tells her he's her brother. As if that's an excuse for everything. The law comes a knocking. He tries to pretend he's innocent. The cops have seen the tape.
Blah blah blah.
I feel like i shouldn't Be Recaping this, but i kind of can't help it.
It's the only way to have any idea what's going on.
haha, a guy named Hoit.
I think Anna Forgot her accent.
When Sookie sees the vampire again, all the sound goes fuzzy like she's in a blur. Yet she can suddenly hear everyones thoughts. Or, we can. It's nicely done, giving us insight into her character through others thoughts.
There's a lot of sexual tension between Bill and Sookie.
Suddenly it seems like Sookie and Bill are in a secret relationship. She keeps tilting her head in this really wierd way. Like she wants to kiss him.

Sam yells at her and calls her a "Goddamn Vigilante". Makes me think about ASBaR, like Robin had been critiquing. But it makes Sookie cry. Then Sam goes all huggy and Sookie reads his mind about how much he loves her. And then Sookie reads a whole bunch of people's minds.
and Sam lives right behind the bar.
This whole show seems kind of erratic.

End scene: Sookie's behind the bar, about to get into her car. Hears something. Sounds like bat wings fluttering. Walks away from her car to see what it is. She's probably hoping it's Bill because she asked him to meet her when she got off her shift at 1:30.
And then Mack and his wife start beating the crap out of her. Camera pans out. Black screen. Episode over.

Gotta give it credit, for making me want to watch the next one.

Verdict so far: Not terrible. Not overly good, either. Some quirky lines. Confusing at times, but not overly so. Most annoying thing for me was the cutting between scenes, right in the middle there.
Yep, i'm definitely interested in watching the next one.

Cara Mia

What I want to know right now is this; What the heck is up with those purses the size of small duffel bags? They're not pretty, they get in the way of everything, and they sure as hamster can't be easy to lug around all day. I mean, what do you keep in there? Sure, it's nice to be able to carry a lot of stuff that you might possibly need... but do you need a suitcase? Is there no way you could fit everything you want into a smaller more cute and manageable purse? Plus, I bet it's intensely difficult to find anything in there. I have a hard enough time finding anything in my bag, and I only keep a few things in it.
But that's my random thought for the day. No definitions right now. I didn't make up any strange words today. At least not that I can recall...


So, I've decided that writing about my life as a University student is boring. It's not really anything anyone wants to read anyway, even if they were interested in reading my blog. And there've been two or three days of classes since my last post, and nothing of note has happened in any of them. My life is lame, so deal with it.
I'm not sure what I should change my topic to. Music, the life on a Moderator on an Oekaki board, Or random made up words of the day. I'm leaning more in favor of the last one.
For example.
The title of this post; FACULAR. Say: FACE-you-lurr.
Noun. An alternative, more 'gangsta' word for face.

I think it would be amusing and worthwhile to chronicle my random made up words. Yes?

Bun(sen) Burner

Art Professors are such quirky creatures. As are most art students. You can always find such an assortment of interesting people in an art class. For example, the tall slick country-city cow boy who seems like he might possibly be a closet gay just waiting to emerge. Or the middle aged mother who wears important looking clothing over knee high black leather boots. Or of course the dark haired soft spoken girl with black and purple striped tights. I could probably spend a couple paragraphs listing the type of people one finds in an art class. Including the prof. He's a funny little man, really. It's tough to tell how old he is, but he really doesn't seem to be old enough to be called a "Professor". He's very soft spoken, with an amusing sense of humor, and reminds me a good deal of the gay man I work with. He talks slowly and quietly, which in a way bothers me, because it makes all the other people in the class feel the need to talk quietly... or at least that's how it seems. I don't mind that he's a quiet guy; he takes the time to enunciate and clarify himself, but when three or four students all talk quietly at the same time, in attempt to answer a question, it gets a little frustrating. At any rate, I'm looking forward to the rest of this particular painting class, as I am with all of my classes, with the exception of Art History. The dates and names might be the death of me.

Koala Tea

It was the long weekend, but back to the grind now. As much of a grind as you can say I'm subject too, at this point. I've endured a grand total of three classes so far this year, and there wasn't a whole lot endurance involved. So far things are looking good.
I can with all honesty say that today was borderline epic. So many things happened one after an other. To start with, I made myself the most amazing omlette for breakfast. Not that anyone needs to hear what I ate, in chronological order or anything, but somethings are just worth mentioning.
This omlette was made with two beaten eggs, a couple steamed beans and carrots, left over from an amazing supper last night, a slice of ham (also from supper) diced, diced green pepper, diced onion, and a handful of grated mozzarella cheese. If that doesn't sound like a delicious omlette to you, there has got to be something wrong with your tastebuds. Plus, that was technically the first omlette i've ever made myself, so I feel pretty accomplished about it. With that delightful omlette in my belly i didn't feel even the least bit hungry until 5:30 or so. It's amazing what a good heavy duty breakfast will do for ya.
That wasn't the highlight of my day, to be sure, but it was definitely a high point.
The next high point was also a low point. Have you ever walked up to your house, put the key in the lock, and found that the door just wouldn't open? If not, I advise to keep a plan in the back of your mind for a day when that does happen to you. As, of course, it happened to me. There really was nothing I could do at that point, because as it turned out, I had left my phone at home (on purpose, thinking I wouldn't exactly need it for an hour and a half of class), and so I had no way of contacting my roommate in hopes that her key would work where mine had failed to do.
I did end up running back to campus to email her, but then decided to head back home and see what other means of entrance I could aquire. Turns out, my bedroom isn't too hard to break into, if you know the key. So I managed to get in after all. It amused me to be able to climb into my house through a window.
I also joined a ballroom dance club through the university today. After a lovely 45 minute wait in line, my friend and i arrived at the front of the line to discover there wasn't enough room for us in the class of our choice. So after much debate and deliberation, we decided on another class, which is further away and on a different day, but manageable nonetheless. It could be well worth it. And my hope is that it is.
In other news, GI Joe: The Rise of the Cobra is a well done movie, and worth the watch if you've got the urge to go see it. Lots of action scenes, but why they are flashy and loud, they aren't all complete gore. Which isn't to say there's no gore at all, but the gore level is kept reasonable. The actors and actresses portray their characters well, the scenes are well choreographed, and there are plenty of sci-fi type vehicles to keep you fascinated for a good deal of time. Plus the song at the credits just makes you want to get up and dance.
Word of advice though. Don't eat so much at an Asian buffet before hand that you can barely move and want to vomit. Not that the movie will make you vomit, but just, really, don't eat too much.

Interesting fact of the day: The name Waldo dropped off the name charts in the 1940's. It's German, and means "Ruler". Now the question remains: Where's Waldo?

Starting it Fresh

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What will you do with it?
Today is actually the first day of classes for the year. So i went to class.
I tried to go to two classes, but it turns out the second class i tried to get to starts on Tuesday, rather than Thursday, so it's no wonder i stood around for 20 minutes and no one showed up.
I helped freshmen find their classes though, which makes me feel good and (_insert word that i can't remember at this point here_).
But anyway, the whole year is coming up on me. It's exciting but also a little nervous-making. I don't fully know what to expect from this year. I've never known what to expect in the past either, but in the past, I didn't mind so much because I didn't need to expect anything.
(The word i forgot up there is "Accomplished". I remembered and now i feel even more accomplished.)
So far, however, things are looking pretty good. My Literary Uses of Mythology class looks like it will be bearable, if not fun. And of course i'm excited about Painting and Drawing. My second step towards my Major.
The only one i'm not super excited about for this term is Art History (intro to, part II). If part I was any indication, i'm probably going to just barely manage to pass (all those memorizings of dates and names are a little much for me), but I'm sure I will indeed pass. I'll just have to do my darndest.
I've got myself a boyfriend now as well, so we'll see how that goes this year. I've not exactly had a boyfriend during Post-Secondary, as of yet (excluding the two or three months I spent clinging onto my first relationship, in first year), so who knows what interesting and dramatic twists this will bring. You and I both know, there is only one way to find out.
But it's technically the weekend for me, now, so I'm going to sit back and relax, and do nothing of any real note.
Good evening, Netherweb.

It's been a while

 It's been 10 years since I last posted anything on this blog. That's kinda crazy. Well, I've been thinking recently about bring...