Why do I tire?

I can't stand popular music. I don't know what it is. Maybe the fact that i hear it played and overplayed on the radio constantly at work. Maybe the fact that i can't go anywhere without hearing it. But seriously. I don't like it.

Which is sort of sad, in a way. There are a lot of good songs or good artists, that i wrinkle my nose at simply because they're "popular" and overplayed. Take Owl City, for instance. They are an amazing band and i love the lyrics and mellow melody to all of their songs. But play "Fireflies" near me, and I'll probably be a lot less excited about it than you would expect. Despite the fact that the song is gorgeous.

The same goes for Lady Gaga, Kesha, and probably one hundred million other mainstream popular artists. I've heard some gorgeous stuff from Lady Gaga. But it's not the popular stuff. It's not her singles.

I wonder if this feeds into my... Obsession with CD's, rather than MP3's, my obsession with playing the album right through from start to finish, and not simply skipping to my favorite singles on the CD. Because a lot of the time i don't have a favorite single.

I guess though, i'm being slightly unfair. I really enjoy some singles from Artists like Jason Mraz, and Maroon5... But i love the rest of the CD's too.

Lately, though, my favorite music is slightly underground/unusual, the kind that takes time to fully appreciate. Mother Mother, for example. They're absolutely fabulous. I also enjoy hearing random hillbilly type music. Foreign music. Elevator music. Stuff from the past.... Really, anything EXCEPT the top 20 of today.

Sad. Very sad.

1 comment:

  1. That would be because pop music is terrible, generally. So, no surprise that you don't like it. There are so many other genres and artists that are so much better that there's no reason to ever listen pop or the radio again.

    Try metal?

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