TB s1e5: Sparks fly out.

I'm beginning to wonder of Sam actually IS the collie that's been following sookie around. It was hiding in the bushes when Sookie and Bill got back from their date. But I know Sam is rolling around in Dawn's sheets right now.

You'd have thought Jason would have learned the first time. He's gonna become an addict.

Interesting things going on. I'm attempting to not play by play. But then i get to distracted to actually type anything. xD

Jason is so high on V right now.

There's a meeting going on. It's actually quite interesting. Not much to recap. This really has to be watched in order to enjoy it fully, i think. But it is quite enjoyable.

Vampires cry blood. But aren't susceptible to crosses or garlic, and don't vanish in photographs.

I still think Sam is adorable. And awkward.

There is this fantastic deep string instrument that plays in intense moments on this show. I love it.

Yeah, so, Uh-oh. Adel AKA grandma is the next victim. End Episode.
That was an interesting twist.

Yeah i must definitely say this for the show: It keeps you coming back for more. Or me at least. Every episode has been ending in a sort of cliff-hanger-esque way. But at the same time it's a bit better than Lost(which i absolutely love), in the sense that rather than just giving you more and more questions, it gives a few answers here and there. Or something. But still keeps you wondering.
Actually, i lied. It's not actually better than lost. Maybe just a bit more... or perhaps less
But anyway. Obviously i just critiqued 3 episodes in one day. If it's keeping me coming back for more this much, it can't be too bad.
There are things that seem weird, and things that are just wrong, but it's at least interesting enough to keep my interest for 3 consecutive hours. That's got to count for something. :3

PS: This episode holds the story of how Bill Compton became a vampire.

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